Border is a software system, which integrates with systems of local mobile operators and serves the purpose of real-time monitoring of mobile devices connected to GSM-networks. In the case of the detection of a new device, Border initiates the process of enforced registration.
As a rule, governmental institutions purchase this kind of system. Border has a modular architecture and this allows it to be flexibly configured according to the requirements of the law and specificities of the mobile network infrastructure.
Main features

Mobile devices database
Detecting illegally imported and/or uncertified devices within mobile operator networks (with the purpose to initiate enforced registration procedure or to block them).

Ensuring law
Reducing the theft rate by tracking and blocking stolen mobile devices. Detecting and preventing usage of mobile devices with cloned and/or invalid IMEI-codes.

Marketing functions
Providing an opportunity for centralized monitoring, controlling, management and analysis of the unified mobile devices database. Monitoring and controlling the market of mobile devices being imported.

Commercial functions
Providing operators with an opportunity to conduct campaigns for certain device models and to prevent usage of devices sold as a part of a campaign within other operators’ networks. Providing banking and other organizations with an opportunity to restrain the usage of mobile devices in case of non-compliance with credit and leasing obligations.
Success stories
Successful development of the Border system within the framework of MDRS project brought our company an honorary award by The Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of Azerbaijan Republic.

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